Company Profile
Company Profile Download- Company Name
- Hakusan Inc.
- Head office location
- 〒920-8203
2-2 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Ishikawa Textile Hall 1F
Google Maps - founding
- October 15, 1947
- capital
- 100 million yen
- representative
- CEO & President Tatsuya Yonekawa
- Business base
日高倉庫 - number of employees
- 131 (as of April 2024)
- Business content
- Development, manufacturing and sales of connection products related to communication and electric power
Development, manufacturing and sales of optical communication related products
Development, manufacturing and sales of lightning protection products
Development, manufacturing and sales of metal joining machines such as Upset Butt Welder
Development, manufacturing and sales of environment and energy related products - Main client
- NTT group companies / communication equipment manufacturers / optical connector manufacturers / communication and power construction companies / electric power companies / electric wire / steel wire manufacturers / automobile manufacturers / JR companies
- Main bank
- Resona Bank
Hokkoku Bank - Awards
- June 2020: Selected 100 Global Niche Top Companies Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- October 2020: Regional Future Driving Company Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- November 2020: 300 Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Businesses Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
- certification
- ISO9001
- ISO14001
- Secondhand business license
- Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission No. 305511706737
October 6, 2017
- 1947
- October
- Established Hakusan Mfg Co., Ltd. in Mita, Minato-ku
- 1948
- January
- Started delivery of telephone subscriber protector (No. 12) to Ministry of Communications
- 1964
- July
- Hanno Factory started operation
- 1968
- April
- Upset Butt Welder commercialized
- 1974
- July
- Started delivery of Rail Gas Pressure Welder to Japanese National Railways
- 1985
- October
- Started sales of THUNDER CUT
- 1987
- October
- Started production of PTC thermistors
- 1989
- October
- Established Hakusan Elex Inc. as a wholly owned subsidiary
(Split-off of communication manufacturing division)
- 1996
- December
- Acquired ISO9001 certification
- 1997
- March
- Started mass production of MT Ferrule
- 2002
- March
- Acquired ISO14001 certification
- 2016
- October
- Merged with Hakusan Elex Inc.
Relocated head office to Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Changed company name to Hakusan Inc.
- 2020
- August
- SDGs Corporate Declaration
Office list
Kanazawa Head Office
2-2 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Ishikawa Textile Hall 1F
Google MapsTEL: 076-255-2875 (main)
Fax: 076-255-3495 -
Tokyo Head Office
SK Building 5F, 2-16-4 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Google MapsTEL: 03-5951-1211 (main)
Fax: 03-5951-1216 -
Hanno Branch
Hanno Sunplaza 3F, 12-10 Nakamachi, Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture
Google MapsTEL:042-972-4181(main)
FAX:042-974-2621 -
Ishikawa Factory
47-11 Wakabadai, Shika-machi, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture
Google MapsTEL:0767-38-1233(main)
FAX:0767-38-1235 -
Saitama Factory
1382-1 Noda, Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture
Google MapsTEL:04-2941-6740
Hidaka Warehouse
313-1 Magikizawa, Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture
Google MapsTEL:042-984-0390
Nakai office
72 Nakai, Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture
Google Maps